BEA Announces New JRAM Editor, Noah Arceneaux, San Diego State University | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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BEA Announces New JRAM Editor, Noah Arceneaux, San Diego State University  

For Immediate Release: April 12, 2024
Contact: Heather Birks |

Washington, D.C. – The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) announced that Noah Arceneaux, Professor at San Diego State University will become the new editor of the Journal of Radio & Audio Media, starting with the March, 2025 edition. 

Noah Arceneaux has been a professor in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University since 2007, including a two-year stint as Director (2018-2020). He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Georgia with a dissertation that examined the role of department stores during the early years of American broadcasting. In 2008, this work was named the best dissertation of the year by three national academic organizations, the American Journalism Historians Association, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and the Broadcast Education Association. 

His subsequent research has explored the social construction of new media technologies, including historical phenomena (such as wireless telegraphy) as well as emerging forms of mobile media. He has edited two anthologies of mobile phone studies and spent the Spring 2014 semester in India on a Fulbright grant studying the rapid proliferation of mobile phones in that country. For the summer of 2017, he was a research fellow at the Bodleian Libraries of Oxford University, doing original research with the Marconi Archives. He’s also an active member of the Radio Preservation Task Force, for whom he maintains a newsletter on radio scholarship. 

Dr. Arceneaux’s research has been published in a range of journals, including The Journal of Radio and Audio Media, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, American Journalism, New Media & Society, Technology & Culture, and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. Prior to joining academia, Dr. Arceneaux produced websites for the ABC, CBS, and Fox television networks. 

Dr. Arceneaux is working with current JRAM editor, Tony R. DeMars, Lamar University on a seamless transition.  

About the Broadcast Education Association (BEA): BEA is the premiere international academic media organization, driving insights, excellence in media production, and career advancement for educators, students, and professionals.  There are currently more than 2,300 individual and institutional members worldwide. Visit  for more information. 

About JOBEM: The Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media is an international quarterly devoted to advancing research, knowledge, and understanding of communication and the electronic media. The Journal invites submissions of original research that examine a broad range of issues concerning the electronic media, including the historical, technological, economic, legal, policy, cultural, and social dimensions. Scholarship that extends historiography, tests theory, or that fosters innovative perspectives on topics of importance to the field, is particularly encouraged. The Journal is open to a diversity of theoretical paradigms and methodologies.

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