Interest Divisions | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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Interest Divisions

BEA’s interest divisions are a great opportunity to become an active member in the Association. Each of our nineteen divisions offers newsletters, paper competitions with cash awards and networking for research, curriculum and job opportunities. Leadership in the divisions provide visibility for your own work to other BEA members and to the electronic media industry. The links to the left take you to a information about each division and a listing of leadership you can contact if you would like more information.

Each BEA member can select up to four (4) divisions.  To add divisions to your account, login and click on the left navigation menu item for “My Information.”  Go to “Edit/View Information” and scroll down to the Interest Division select item.  Hold the CTRL key as you click each division to select multiple options.

Curriculum, Assessment & Administration Division

The goal of the Curriculum, Assessment & Administration Division is to offer help and support to all educators in their pursuit of the betterment of course materials and the strengthening of curricula in the areas of broadcasting and electronic media. More…

Documentary Division

The Documentary Division focuses on scholarship, teaching, and creation of documentaries, and radio-TV-Internet delivery of documentary film/video. More…

Gender & Sexuality Division

The Gender & Sexuality Division stimulates awareness and discussion of existing issues and problems related to gender concerns in the media and media education; encourages dissemination of information about impact of gender issues to professional colleagues in the field; more…

History Division

The History Division is concerned with teaching history and conducting scholarship in the field. Members are involved in classroom teaching and in the recording and analysis of historical events relating to the electronic media.  More…

International Division

The International Division members are involved in areas such as telecommunications business practices, comparative systems of broadcasting & journalism, and international regulatory practices.  More…

Interactive Media & Emerging Technologies Division

The Interactive Media & Emerging Technologies Division’s mission is to keep members informed about the latest advances in communication technology including hardware, teaching and research. More…

Law & Policy Division

The Law & Policy Division’s mission is to assist fellow teachers, researchers and practitioners in electronic media law and policy. More…

Management, Marketing & Programming Division

The mission of the Management, Marketing & Programming Division is to (1) enhance the teaching and research of electronic media management, sales and programming, more…

Multicultural Studies Division

The Multicultural Studies Division was founded to provide a specific forum for addressing concerns of the relationship between traditionally underrepresented groups – especially racial and ethnic groups (i.e., African, Hispanic, Asian and Native American (ANANA) – and the electronic media.  More…

News Division

The News Division’s goals are to provide the scholar, the media practitioner and the citizen with a better understanding of the role and functions of the broadcast journalist in a free society.  More…

Production Aesthetics & Criticism Division

The Production Aesthetics & Criticism division’s purpose is the improvement of teaching and the fostering of research and innovations in audio and video production, aesthetics and criticism.  More…

Radio & Audio Media Division

The Radio & Audio Media Division is interested in the work of academics and industry professionals who examine and research the role and nature of over-the air and Internet radio in society and culture.  More…

Religion & Media Division

The Religion & Media Division is to advance understandings of the intersection of religion and media and to explore the roles that diverse religions and faith play in media and culture through promotion of high quality scholarship about faith and electronic media, providing a forum for the discussion of critical issues involving religion, faith and media, and promotion of creative works that investigates the confluence of religion and media. More…

Research Division

The Research Division supports the work of BEA members whose interests include telecommunication research, methodolgy and interests not served by other divisions.  More…

Service Learning and Community Engagement

The Service Learning and Community Engagement division will focus on engaging, informing, assisting and acknowledging the BEA membership in support of their service-learning activities. More…

Sports Division

For a long time sports wore the tag of the “toy store.” No serious study of the media could include a look at sports. But, times have changed.  More…

Student Media Advisors Division

The Student Media Advisors Division’s mission is to provide a forum for the person responsible for supervising and/or advising student-operated media outlets.  More…

Two-Year/Scholastic Institutions Division

The Two-Year/Scholastic Institutions division’s mission is to provide a forum for issues unique to the teaching and operation of a program of broadcast education at a community college, a small college or in a small broadcasting program.  More…

Writing Division

The mission of the Writing Division is to provide a forum for discussion of issues pertinent to writing for electronic and other media; more…