Please note that BEA’s membership is based on the calendar year. Since BEA offers complimentary membership to all Historically Black Colleges and Universities, we will reach out each September to make sure your information is up to date.
Free Student Memberships: One of the most valuable benefits we offer our institutional members is free membership to all full-time undergraduates attending BEA member schools. Those students are eligible to apply for thousands of dollars in scholarships, submit entries to the Festival of Media Arts ($40 per student submission), receive discounts to attend conventions and conferences, submit to our PSA competitions and participate in the RAB Student Scholar Program. Please email to receive the complimentary code to pass along to your undergraduate students.
BEA Scholarships: This fall, BEA will award $40,000 in scholarships to graduate and undergraduate student members. The scholarships are awarded to current sophomores, juniors, seniors entering graduate school, and graduate students studying for careers in all areas of media. These scholarships are only available to students at BEA college and university members. The deadline is in mid-October.
RAB Student Scholar Program: Each year we produce a program called the RAB Student Scholar Program at BEA’s annual convention and NAB Show in Las Vegas each April. The program provides over 150 registrations to undergraduate and graduate students at BEA member institutions. BEA and most NAB Show sessions are open to the students and BEA hosts an orientation and administers a series of “Mentor Match-up” roundtable discussions with radio professionals. The complimentary registrations are available thanks to the support of radio and media companies.
The Festival of Media Arts is a competition open to students (and BEA individual faculty members). There are 15 competitions for faculty and students that range from dramatic narratives to non-fiction documentary, and hard news reporting to interactive multimedia. Accepting Entries: November 15 – December 15. The submission cost is $40 per student submission.
BEA Collegiate Media Chapters (BEACMC) – BEA intuitional members can elect to start a Collegiate Media Chapter on their campus. The chapters assist and guide students by providing networking opportunities and promoting collaborative projects and discussions. We produce two competitions for the BEACMCs – a Fall competition for video #BEAfilm48 and a Spring competition for audio #BEAshortdocs.
Two complimentary job postings – Consider taking advantage of two free job postings through BEA. Rates begin at $175 for subsequent ads. Each ad runs on our website and one time in our bi-weekly newsletter. Email to receive your two complimentary job postings.
BEA also offers a series of research & creative competitions specifically for BEA individual faculty members at our annual events. If you are not already an individual member but are interested in joining, please click here or email .
–BEA Annual Convention, BEA’s annual convention, produces over 250 sessions on media pedagogy, collaborative networking events, hands-on technology workshops, research and creative scholarship, and the Festival of Media Arts. It is co-located with NAB Show each April in Las Vegas.
-BEA’s On-Location provides an opportunity to promote academic scholarship through research and creative presentations and competitions. The location takes place on a different campus each fall. In addition to networking, panel and research presentations, On-Location has a series of workshops, including one by Ross Video, the conference sponsor..