Scholarly Research & Paper Competitions | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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Scholarly Research & Paper Competitions

Visit the BEA convention site for the most up to date information.

BEA Annual Convention Paper Competition | Submission Deadline: December 1
Each year BEA invites scholarly papers from academics, students and professionals for presentation at BEA’s annual convention in Las Vegas.  The convention takes place every April, in conjunction with the NAB Show.

Papers are submitted directly to the relevant BEA interest division as either “Debut” or “Open” papers. The Debut category is open only to those who have never presented a paper at a BEA convention.  First and second place winners in Debut categories receive $200 and $100 respectively.  If you have previously presented a paper at a BEA convention, your submission category is “Open”.  In addition, most divisions accept papers to be presented during a digital poster session that takes place during the convention.

Papers must be submitted online.  After going through a blind review process, accepted and rejected papers are notified by paper competition chairs by late January.

To enter a paper competition, you do NOT need to be a current BEA member, but at least one (1) author of an accepted competitive paper MUST attend the BEA convention to present the paper. If you have questions regarding the submission process, please email the appropriate Interest Division contact person/paper chair.

Research Symposium Paper Competition | Submission Deadline: December 15
In addition, BEA invites research submissions to its annual Research Symposium that takes place during the annual convention.  Visit the Research Symposium page for additional information and the topic.

Faculty & Student Research-in-Progress | Submission Deadline: December 15
BEA’s Research Division invites faculty and students to submit research in progress to be considered for presentation and discussion at BEA’s annual convention. Research projects may focus on a wide range of topics as generally represented within BEA, but should be at a stage in which feedback and suggestions are appropriate. A variety of perspectives as well as methodological approaches are welcome.

BEA On-Location Paper Competiton | Submission Deadline June 15
BEA’s “On-Location” conference takes place in the fall at colleges and universities around the country.  BEA’s On-Location conference accepts full paper and research-in-progress submissions related to any area of media or media education, with emphasis in subjects that typically align with BEA interest divisions.