BEA2015 was packed with excitement and educational opportunities. From the big names of opening day, Rowan University presents David Simon, and Evan Rosenblum to the in-depth insights of Shelly Palmer to receiving a complimentary version of the American Cinematographer Manual from ASC President Richard Crudo adoring the final BEA2015 session with Francis Kenny, ASC…. It could have been the take-away teaching tips from BEA Ignite, Al Tompkins, or the 3rd Annual Assessment Boot Camp….or the brilliant research presented during the 7th Research Symposium, paper competitions ,the interactive poster sessions or Industry Professionals Liz Huszarik, Jack MacKenzie, & Keith Friedenberg….maybe the excitement surrounding the awards presented to Jannette Dates (DESA), James G. Webster (LAS), and David F. Crider (Harwood Dissertation Award) or one of the King Foundation’s “Best of” Festival of Media Arts Awards……..talking to colleagues during a reception or in the BEA2015 exhibit hall lounge in between visits to institutions, publishers, software or equipment manufacturers ….perhaps it was all of the above that made it a valuable and successful convention for you. As always, we thank you for your support and for celebrating BEA turning 60!