Two-Year/Scholastic Institutions Division | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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Two-Year/Scholastic Institutions Division

The Two-year/Scholastic Institutions division member faculty, staff and students are employed by or matriculated in a community college that offers a broadcast related major (such as broadcasting, video production, mass media and communications.)  or high school faculty that offers broadcast-related classes or clubs.

The Two-Year/Scholastic Institutions division’s mission is to provide a forum for issues unique to the teaching and operation of a program of broadcast education at a community college or scholastic program. Their goals are to share and propagate teaching strategies; to enhance and promote the teaching of lower division courses in broadcasting; to promote and encourage the transferability of broadcasting courses between institutions; to facilitate the interaction of faculty with broadcasters and media practitioners; to promote the study of broadcasting across academic disciplines; and to promote the use of broadcast facilities to support broadcast education.


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