Multicultural Studies Division
The Multicultural Studies Division was founded to provide a specific forum for addressing concerns of the relationship between traditionally underrepresented groups – especially racial and ethnic groups (i.e., African, Hispanic, Asian and Native American (ANANA) – and the electronic media. The division also provides a forum for discussion of issues and presentation of research on issues of portrayal, employment and entrepreneurship and the academy’s response to teaching these issues. Their goals are to increase the level of awareness of the contributions and concerns of AHANA members and other traditionally underrepresented groups; to encourage more research on topics related to AHANA members and other traditionally underrepresented groups; and to encourage electronic media curricular acknowledgment of the contributions and concerns of AHANA members and other traditionally underrepresented groups.
Division Bylaws | BEA Connect Group
Chair- Jennifer Bailey Woodard
Middle Tennessee State University
Vice Chair – Marquita Smith
University of Mississippi
Paper Chair – Tisha Mays
University of Toledo
Communication Chair – Arthur Soto- Vasquez
Texas A&M International University