Law & Policy Division | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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Law & Policy Division

The Law & Policy Division’s mission is to assist fellow teachers, researchers and practitioners in electronic media law and policy. Their goals and objectives are to foster ownership of the process of educating potential electronic media leaders and teachers about law; to prepare electronic media students for leadership roles by providing meaning to the phrase “the public interest, convenience and necessity”; to instill the notion of the “public interest” among potential users and leaders of the electronic media; to help new teachers of L & P by initiating and continuing a dialogue about the process of teaching in this area; to foster discussion about the nature of the curriculum of law and policy; to educate potential users about their responsibilities to use the mass media as mechanisms for social change and improvement; and to initiate research into the fields of law and policy.

Division Bylaws | Law & Policy Division’s Facebook Page | BEA Connect Group