JRAM – Submission Guidelines | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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JRAM - Submission Guidelines

Information and Submission Guidelines

The Journal of Radio and Audio Media (JRAM), published on a semi-annual basis by the Broadcast Education Association, is the world’s premier radio research journal. JRAM is dedicated to radio research and the new technology redefining radio’s traditional use.

The editor encourages interdisciplinary studies of contemporary and historical topics representing various methodological points of view. Scholars are invited to submit articles pertaining to any area of radio. Subjects include, but are not limited to, formats & programming, new technologies and convergence, policy issues, rating systems, commercial & non-commercial networks, radio history, management & innovation, personalities, radio popular culture, interpersonal & rhetorical studies, propaganda, social movements, advertising/sales, market concentration, internet radio, alternative formats, diversity, gender issues, international radio, and others areas. See the JRS cumulative index for reference to past publications.

Submitted manuscripts undergo a blind peer review. Manuscripts should be submitted through Manuscript Central . Documents prepared in Microsoft Word are preferred and should conform to the stylistic guidelines of the American Psychological Association.  Manuscripts should not exceed 6500 words (about 25 pages) and should include an abstract of no more than 100 words. In addition to the manuscript the author(s) should include a separate attachment with contact information.

Articles appearing in JRAM are evaluated according to their conceptualization, importance to radio studies and mass communication theory, contribution to the mass media literature, interest to JRAM readers, soundness of research & methodological procedures, and the clarity of presentation.

Correspondence should be addressed to the editor or associate editor:

Editor: Prof. Noah Arceneaux
San Diego State University
School of Journalism & Media Studies
5500 Campanile Dr
San Diego, CA 92182-0003
United States

(619) 594-3236

Inquiries and correspondence about book, video, or electronic-media reviews should be addressed to:

The Journal of Radio Studies was established in 1992 at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Originally the journal operated as an independent scholarly publication. In 1998, the journal was adopted by the Broadcast Education Association with the support of Norman J. Pattiz, founder and Chairman of Westwood One Companies.

Frank J. Chorba served as the JRS editor from the very beginning until the December 2004 issue. In 1999, Eleanor Bell, JRS’s copy editor, entered the journal into national competition. JRS was awarded first place as an outstanding academic journal by the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW).