BEA at CIESPAL | BEA - The Broadcast Education Association
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You’re invited to our conference in Quito, Ecuador in November!

Our ‘BEA Latin America’ conference this year is ‘BEA at CIESPAL.’ CIESPAL hosted the first “Latin American Congress on Communication CIESPAL-FELAFACS” October 19-21, 2023. That three-day event brought together the largest group of teachers, researchers, students and communicators in Latin America under the theme of the challenges and tensions between Latin American thought and contemporary communication practices, heading toward 2030. Through presentations, keynote lectures and panel work on different topics, it was possible to stimulate the recovery of the classic lines of critical communication thought in Latin America, including that of committing to communication with a humanizing, inclusive and democratic sense. For 2024, BEA Latin America organizers are helping organize the 2024 conference with CIESPAL.  Here’s the planned schedule this year.

Thursday, November 7th, Registration starts at 3 pm, followed by the Inauguration, the Keynote for the day, and a Welcome Dinner in the Historical District.

Friday, November 8th, sessions run from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm, featuring such topics as  Filmmaking in 21st Century, Hispanic media in America, the benefits of collaboration between US and Latin American universities, and the Friday Keynote:  Dallas Cowboys and Sports Broadcasting in America, featuring Shaunda Musik and John Shrader.

Saturday, November 9th features a master class Workshop: Drones and Videography and a Center of the World Visit.

It’s going to be a great conference, and Ecuador’s currency is U.S. dollars, so you don’t have to do any currency converting!  We may still have a spot for you if you’re doing research in anything related to Latin American or Spanish-language media or want to highlight your Spanish-language media at your school. Contact: Julian Rodriguez at , Tony DeMars at or José Soto at .

Av. Diego de Almagro N32-133 y Andrade Marín
Telf:(+593) 2548011

See their web site:
Many of the pages have a tab for English on the top left of the page, or you can use Google Translate, if you’re not fluent in Spanish.

Conference Dates:
November 7-10, 2024

Recommended Hotel:
Hotel Quito
Avenida Gonzalez Suarez N27-142, Quito, Pichincha, 2500