We are proud to welcome Alpha Epsilon Rho (AERho) the honor society for electronic media students to the BEA family!
Members of AERho emphasize superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast, corporate, and digital media production and activity. Membership in AERho exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities, and service to the organization, the community, and the industry. AERho, founded on April 30, 1943, is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS).
National Chair of Alpha Epsilon Rho: Stacey O. Irwin, Millersville University
Application Window: November 15 – February 15
Criteria for AERho Membership:
- Undergraduate students of programs emphasizing electronic media shall also be eligible for election to Alpha Epsilon Rho membership:
(a) You must be a BEA student member before submitting an application for AERho membership;
(b) shall not rank lower than the upper one third of their college class in overall scholarship, as indicated by a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher in all courses as well as a GPA of 3.3 in all electronic media studies courses (on a 4.0 scale); and
(c) shall have completed at least three semester courses or five quarter courses in electronic media/media related coursework, each of at least three credit hours or the equivalent, that may be credited toward a program emphasizing electronic media. (Note: Individual Chapter Bylaws may specify higher minimum requirements for undergraduate candidates and also may specify the minimum scholastic standards for undergraduate candidates in terms of the local grading system.) - Graduate students of programs emphasizing electronic media shall also be eligible for election to Alpha Epsilon Rho membership if they: either:
(a) shall meet the requirements for undergraduate candidates, based upon their undergraduate records; or
(b) shall have completed at least 4 courses of graduate work, meeting departmental standards for satisfactory progress toward an advanced degree.
$100 Lifetime Membership Fee / Application Fee
Membership Process
Candidates for AERho membership must be BEA members who meet the requirements listed for the appropriate category above. AERho candidates must have the support of a faculty advisor to be considered. Students should fill out the online AERho membership application (found above) and pay the application fee. If accepted, the application fee will be used as your AERho dues. Students that do not meet the criteria will receive a refund.
Recognition Materials:
Those admitted to AERho receive a membership certificate and honor cords following initiation at BEA’s convention. Honor cords may be worn at the member’s commencement and other academic ceremonies in accordance with policies of the member’s academic institution.
Active Alumni Program
What it means to be an active alumnus of Alpha Epsilon Rho
Benefits Include:
- Lifetime membership to the honor society
- Quarterly Networking Events – including sessions on reviewing resumes, interview skills and meeting with recruiters
- Honor cords for graduation
- Networking opportunities with fellow AERho alumni

What is Alpha Epsilon Rho?
Alpha Epsilon Rho is the only honor society for electronic media students recognized by the Association of College Honor Societies.
How does AERho membership relate to membership in BEA? If I’m an BEA member, am I automatically an AERho member?
AERho membership is related to but separate from BEA membership. Members of AERho emphasize superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast, corporate, and digital media production and activity. AERho membership exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities, and service to the organization, the community, and the industry. AERho members will be members of a BEA or AERho campus chapter or the National Chapter, but not all BEA members will qualify for AERho membership. Those qualifying for AERho membership who are not at a campus BEA or AERho chapter will become members of the National Chapter.
What are the qualifications for Undergraduate and Graduate student membership in AERho?
Criteria for Membership
1. Undergraduate candidates
(a) You must be a BEA student member before submitting an application for AERho membership;
(b) shall not rank lower than the upper one third of their college class in overall scholarship, as indicated by a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher in all courses as well as
a GPA of 3.3 in all electronic media studies courses (on a 4.0 scale); and
(c) shall have completed at least three-semester courses or five quarter courses in electronic media/media related coursework, each of at least three credit hours or the equivalent, that may be credited toward a program emphasizing electronic media. (Note: Individual Chapter Bylaws may specify higher minimum requirements for undergraduate candidates and also may specify the minimum scholastic standards for undergraduate candidates in terms of the local grading system.)
2. Graduate students of programs emphasizing electronic media shall also be eligible for election to Alpha Epsilon Rho membership.
Graduate student candidates either:
(a) shall meet the requirements for undergraduate candidates, based on their undergraduate records; or
(b) shall have completed at least 4 courses of graduate work, meeting departmental standards for satisfactory progress toward an advanced degree.
Can graduate students be members of AERho?
Yes. Graduate students electronic media in electronic media programs are eligible for Alpha Epsilon Rho membership. Graduate student candidates either (a) shall meet the requirements for undergraduate candidates, based on their undergraduate records, or (b) shall have completed at least 4 courses of graduate work, meeting departmental standards for satisfactory progress toward an advanced degree.
Can professionals become members of AERho?
Yes, as AERho has a lifetime membership, most members are professionals. Professionals, faculty members, research staff members, and other qualified individuals, who are in programs emphasizing electronic media shall be eligible for invitation to AERho membership based on their professional record. Individuals seeking professional membership must demonstrate a significant impact in the field of electronic media. BEA will invite AERho entry to some of its award winners, like DESA & LAS recipients.
Why should I join AERho?
AERho membership recognizes your outstanding academic achievement. AERho members receive a membership certificate, and honor cords following their initiation at the national convention. Honor cords may be worn at the member’s commencement and other academic ceremonies in accordance with the policies of the member’s academic institution.
Advance in your career. You’ll be able to list your AERho membership on your resume, highlighting that you have achieved academic standards of excellence to employers and internship coordinators, setting you apart from other applicants. In addition, AERho alumni members in the electronic media industry recognize what AERho represents, and that you share that common bond.
Receive federal employment benefits. In a letter dated April 13, 1973, the US Civil Service Commission stated, “Membership in a national honor society meets one of the requirements for entrance at the GS-7 level in numerous professional and technical occupations in the Federal service. However, applicants must meet all of the requirements as described in the particular Federal Job Announcement covering the positions for which they apply.”