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Interest Division Leadership Information

The links below provide general information on being part of the division leadership, as well as instructions and guidelines to follow during peak convention submission and review time.

To see the BEA2025 Dates & Deadlines, click here.

Please click on the “+” to the right of listings below to see more information:

General BEA Convention Submission Site Information & Instructions for Interest Division Leadership

For basic guidelines for BEA’s interest division chairs, please click here.

Division Chairs: View & Rank Panels

Step 1 – Login to your All Academic account with your BEA member login and email.  We already set you up as a division chair so proceed to Step 2…
Step 2 – View Submissions Login and follow the links to “Submission/Division Management” under the Unit Planner Menu.  Click on your division name.  Click on the tabs to view: Paper Submissions – Any paper that has been submitted to your division Panel Submissions – Any panel that has been submitted to your division Participants – Moderators, panelists, or people who submitted papers or program submissions Reviewers – Paper and Panel reviewers linked to your division (for panels these generally consist of division leadership) People – The entire pool of people in the entire system
Step 3 – Invite Fellow Reviewers Division chairs and vice chairs (sometimes all the leadership) review/rank the program panels submitted.  All the chairs and vice chairs have access to the back end.  Please tell Heather Birks if you want to give privileges to additional people.
Step 4 – Rank the Submissions Do not click the accept or reject buttons next to the session.  Instead, please fill out the Division Ranking Form and submit it to the Convention Program Chair (this will be emailed just before 9/15).  They’ll keep you posted on what was accepted into the convention program.  You should hear back by mid-November at the latest.
Step 5 – Notify the Program/Panel Submitters Once you hear back from the convention chair about panels, please notify everyone who submitted a panel to your division and let them know if their proposal was accepted or rejected.  Encourage them to check the program when it is posted for time and location and to let Heather know immediately if they have special AV needs.

Vice Chairs/Paper Chairs: Entire Review Process

We appreciate you being a paper chair for the #BEAvegas paper competition!  Follow these simple steps to help you with the submission and review process:
Step 1 – Login to your BEA All Academic account with your BEA MEMBER LOGIN AND PASSWORD.  (If you have trouble, email )
Step 2 – View Submissions Login and under the Unit Planner Menu click on the link for “Submission/Division Management”.  Click on the tabs to view: Paper Submissions – Any paper that has been submitted to your division Panel Submissions – Any panel that has been submitted to your division Participants – Moderators, panelists, or people who submitted papers or program submissions Reviewers – Paper and Panel reviewers linked to your division (for panels these generally consist of division leadership) People – The entire pool of people in the All Academic system
Step 3 – Invite Reviewers Invite people to review/judge papers submitted to your Interest Division.  Reviewers don’t have to be BEA members. Email if you have a reviewer who is not a member and she’ll add them.  Please plan to have THREE (3) reviewers per paper.  (Research-in-Progress submissions should have TWO (2) reviewers per abstract.)
Step 4 – Assign Papers to Reviewers Once reviewers have been linked to your division, paper competition chairs can assign paper submissions to individual reviewers (see the Creating a Pool of Reviewers of Assigning Reviewers.)
Step 5 – Reviewer Instructions Send instructions to your paper reviewers so they will know what to do when they get to the site (see Review Instructions).
Step 6 – Review results To review the results, under the Management section of your division’s page, and click on the menu option called “Completed Reviews Report/Accept or Reject Proposals.”  Scroll to the bottom of that page and lick the Load Records” button to see the results.
Step 7 – Accept, Pending & Reject (If you only pick one STEP to read, make it this one!) Once the reviews are complete, you’ll be instructed to accept, reject, or leave the papers as pending. – Press Accept to accept papers that will participate in the Division Paper Competition Session. – Leave papers as Pending if you plan to include them in the Scholar-to-Scholar Digital Research Poster session. – Press Reject for those papers that will not be in the paper session or digital research poster session.
Step 8 – Announcing Results — Notify paper authors with results. – Fill out a BEA Paper Competition Form. (with information about the winning papers) and submit it to BEA.  Email if you have trouble.
Step 9 – Moderate Paper Presentations — Your final step as paper chair is to moderate your interest division’s paper competition session at BEA’s annual convention.


Paper Chairs: Create a Pool of Reviewers

Step 1 – Invite Reviewers Consider emailing the division and posting on social media pages to build your pool of reviewers.
Step 2 – Locate Reviewers From the All Academic Division “Submission Management Area” (you’ll see this after you login), click the “people” tab below the statistics box.  This is a search engine where you search or browse the name you want to add to your reviewer pool. (If they aren’t in the system, email with name, email and school and she’ll create an account.)
Step 3 – Add Reviewers Once you find the name you are looking for, you’ll see an “add reviewer” link to the right of the name in the action column. Click this to add the person to the reviewer pool and at the bottom of the page “Update Selected People.”  This means you successfully added them to your pool – and they will show up under the Reviewers tab.
Step 4 – Add Multiple Reviewers at once If you would like to add multiple accounts to your reviewer pool, click on the small boxes to the left of each name. Click on as many of these boxes you wish (until you see a check mark) OR you can click the very first box at the top of the list to highlight them all. Now, scroll down to the very bottom of the page to the drop-down menu. Click the down arrow and choose the option that says, “Checked Item: Add Reviewer.” Now click the “Update selected people” box. This will add all of your selected people to the reviewer pool.
Step 5 – View Reviewers To see your list of people who have been added to the reviewer pool, scroll to the tabs below the statistics box and click on the tab, “reviewers.” All of these names will now be made available to you to assign to each paper.
Step 5 – Email with any questions about the process.

Paper Chairs: Assigning Reviews

Login to All Academic
Step 1 – Assign Reviewers View the papers by clicking on the Paper Submissions tab – located under the “Statistics” box.  To assign reviewers to each paper, click the “Assign Reviewers” link in the action column on the far right of the page.
Step 2 – Link Reviewers (Link them to particular papers) Scroll down to see the list of all of the reviewers you have assigned to your pool. Find the name(s) you want to add and click the “Assign Reviewer” link next to their name. You can also use the bulk action option (as you did before when creating your reviewer pool) to add multiple names as once.
Step 3 – Accept and Continue When the page refreshes, you should see your reviewers listed under the “Individual Submission – Assigned Reviewer(s)” section. If everything looks correct, click the “Update Selected People” button to the lower right of the last name on the list. This will save your selected reviewers to this proposal.  Now you will return to the submission management page so you can assign viewers to another paper.
Step 4 – Send Instructions to Reviewers We have their instructions on our website.  Simply send them an email with the link to their instructions (see below menu item).  As always, you can send an email to with questions.

Paper Reviewers: Review Instructions

Thank you for agreeing to review papers for the #BEAvegas Paper Competition!  Follow these steps to get started on the review process.
Step 1 – Login to All Academic  with your BEA ACCOUNT username and password, and you’ll automatically be directed to the Main Menu. Click on the “Review” link located under the “Reviewer Menu.”
Step 2 – Choose your Interest Division or Competition Click on the name of the division/competition you are reviewing papers for (if you are a reviewer for more than one division or competition you will see those divisions listed) and you’ll come to a screen with your review.
Step 3 – To Start: Click Pending At the bottom of the page you’ll see a section called “Paper Submissions” – with three choices: All, Pending, Complete.  To review the papers assigned to you, click on the “Pending” link.  To review each paper click on the “Review” link associated with that paper. (As you complete each paper the status will change to “Complete.”)
Step 4 – Review your Papers When you click “Review” you’ll see the title, abstract, link to download the paper and the review criteria.  Follow the instructions and answer each question and move on the next paper.  Remember, as you review the papers, please offer constructive feedback.
Step 5 – Problems?  Hopefully no problems, but just in case, email .


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