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2018-2019 BEA Scholarship Winners Announced

Nine students from seven different campuses were awarded scholarships in the Broadcast Education Association’s 2018-2019 competition. The winners were selected by the BEA Scholarship Committee, chaired by Pete Orlik, at its November meeting in Washington DC. They...

November 2017 President’s Corner

As I mentioned in my October column, I’m devoting this edition of my President’s Corner to the BEA Festival of Media Arts. This topic couldn’t be more timely as we have just eight days until the submission site opens for the 17th BEA Festival of Media Arts. As a quick...

October 2017 President’s Corner

I find myself writing this October column as our university’s two-day Fall Break looms at the end of this week. The break always serves me as a prelude for upcoming BEA deadlines—most notably the 17th Annual Festival of Media Arts and the numerous deadlines for...

September 2017 – President’s Corner

During my 20 plus years of association with BEA I’ve been lucky enough to work in two districts (D5 and D2) with a history of active involvement in BEA governance. It’s in times like this, BEA election season, that I reflect on how my colleagues in District...

President’s Corner Summer Edition

I hope everyone is enjoying his or her summer. It’s another sweltering summer day here in the south, which means I’ll enjoy sitting in my cool office as I write my contribution to the newsletter. Contribution is an appropriate word as I’m devoting my column this month...

June 2017 President’s Corner

Hopefully by now you’ve heard about BEA’s On-Location @ Point Park. Maybe you’re already preparing your research and creative scholarship submissions, since the deadlines are approaching quickly. That’s why I’m devoting this month’s column to BEA On-Location. When we...
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