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Interest Division -- BEA2025 Dates & Deadlines for Your #BEAvegas Planning

.#BEAvegas Dates & Deadlines 
As division leaders, here are key items for your To-Do-List. PLEASE add them to your calendar!


Mid-July | Chairs –Start sending reminders to division members about the September 15 panel and December 1 paper deadline. 


September 15 | Panel Submissions Deadline is midnight today! 

September 19 | Chairs – Review your program proposals and rank them in order of acceptance.  You will receive a spreadsheet of all of your sessions – rank them and submit them to and  

October 17 | Chairs – Ranked sessions are due!  Send ranked sessions to BEA.

November 20 | This is our target date to have a draft of the program.  Chairs – Please notify program proposal producers and let them know if they were accepted or not.  The convention program will be up by mid-January

November 30 | Paper Chairs – You should have a good sense of how many papers you have so invite those paper reviewers! The paper submission deadline is December 1.

December 1 | Division Paper Competition Submissions deadline is midnight today.

December 3 | Paper Chairs – Assign papers to your judges and tell them to start reviewing. 

December 15 | Research Symposium papers and Research-in-Progress is due.

December 18 | Paper Chairs – Make sure your reviewers are reading the papers….. 


January 15 | Deadline for paper reviewers to complete reviews. 

January 15 | Papers Chairs – Paper reviews are DUE TODAY!  Please notify authors of accepted and non-accepted papers (and PLEASE fill out the 2025 paper form.)

mid-January | Release of #BEAvegas Convention Schedule 

late-February | Chairs – Please encourage your division members to attend #BEAvegas and tell them about the panels your division is producing.


early-March | Early bird registration deadline

 April 5-8 BEA2025 in Las Vegas, NV


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