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Release of Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media’s Special Open Access Issue on Socially Mediated Publicness
Washington, D.C. – The Broadcast Education Association’s Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media (JoBEM) announces its first open access issue with the release of the September 2012 special issue on Socially Mediated Publicness.
“It is a pleasure to release our first ever open access issue of the Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. The special issue on Socially Mediated Publicness has been guest edited by danah boyd and Nancy Baym, of Microsoft Research, who are both vocal supporters of open access initiatives,” said Zizi Papacharissi, JoBEM Editor and Professor and Head, Department of Communications at the University of Illinois at Chicago. “It is my priority, as JoBEM Editor, to open the journal up to many publics interested in having conversations about the past, present, and future of media.”


“I want to publicly thank Routledge and the Broadcast Education Association for being supportive of our proposal to run an issue open access,” Dr. Papacharissi continues. “This is an important step to embracing models for open access that not only guarantee free access, but also pluralize and enhance conversations. It is my hope that disciplines, universities, publishers, and scholars will work together to advance models for sharing research that support all sciences and scholars equitably.”
To access the special open access edition of JoBEM visit
The Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media is the scholarly journal published quarterly by the Broadcast Education Association. Considered one of the leading publications in the Communication field, the Journal contains timely articles about new developments, trends and research in electronic media written by academicians, researchers and other electronic media professionals. Visit for more information on JoBEM.
The Broadcast Education Association is the professional association for professors, industry professionals and graduate students interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises. There are currently more than 2,500 individual and institutional members worldwide. Visit for more information

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